An Afternoon with Shakuntala. by Vaidehi ( Translated from Kannada)
The story, 'Shakuntaleyondige ondu aparahna' ( An afternoon with Shakuntala) by Vaidehi is a tale of woe of Shakuntala narrated by Shakuntala herself. She is in Maricha Maharshi's ashram leading a lonely life. A friend who lives in twentieth century, goes to meet Shakuntala and urges her to tell what all had happened with her in her life. The friend is not curious to know her story. She wants that Shakuntala's agony, kept inside her heart, should pour out so that Shakuntala gets a relief.
Here, the characters are same as they are in Kalidasa's play 'Shakuntala'. This story is Shakuntala's version. She says, Kalidasa has lied in some instances. She also says people believe Kalidasa more than her.
Shakuntala begins her tragic story from the incident of her falling in love with Dusyanta, the emperor of Puru dynasty. She says that it was a different experience when she first saw Dusyanta. She says she was mesmerized and loved him for her own sake. It means she doesn't blame Dusyanta for this love affair. She had seen many young handsome princes who visited the ashram. She never felt attracted towards anyone. Dusyanta was also attracted towards Shakuntala. He called off his hunting and stayed at the ashram and their romance started. They married in 'Gandharwa style'.
Once Shakuntala was in his sweet embrace of Dushyanta. She was awake but he was asleep. She heard Dushyanta uttering 'Neeharika'. She wonders who was that person who holds Dushyanta even in dream. But, doesn't dare inquiry. When Shakuntala's friend Anasuya asked about Neearika, Dushyanta evaded the answer and said that he held none dearer than Shakuntala. Later, he had asked Shakuntala playfully what she would do if she came to know that he had loved many others. That time it did not come to her mind that he was indicating what would happen in the future. Her inner voice was cautioning her against possible betrayal. But she did not heed to that voice because she was surrounded by a thick mist called love. She could not see anything other than the sweetness of love.
Now, she regrets that she did not heed to that voice of caution. She knows that she paid a price for not listening to her inner voice of caution.
Dushyanta had to go back to his capital. Shakuntala could not go with him because her foster father Kanva was not there. Dyshyantha promised Shakuntala that she would be called to the palace a little later. He had advised her to steal her tender heart. Now, Shakuntala says she had to steal her heart because he forgot her. Shakuntala had to suffer the agony of separation. She was pregnant. She had to bear the taunts and harsh words of the people who said Dushyantha was lustful and a womaniser. He has hundreds of women for him. Shakuntala wanted to see those women who won Dushyantah's heart.
Once when Shakuntala was engrossed in deep thoughts, Rishi Durvasa arrived at the ashram. Though Shakuntala noticed Durvasa, she didn't go towards him to receive him. Normally she used to run to him and used to sit on his lap. Now, she was not a child to do that. Rhishi Durvasa closed his eyes and looked from his inner eyes. He saw Dushyanta had forgotten her and was happy in his palace, unlike Shakuntala who was suffering here. He became angry on Dushyanta. When he was about to curse him, Shakuntala stopped him. Durvasa left the ashram abruptly. Those who saw this seen, created the story that Durvasa cursed Shakuntala. Even, Kalidasa, the poet, also lied. He created a false story to protect king Dushyanta. Shakuntala regrets that people believe Kalidasa more than Shakuntala.
Kanva arrived and came to know what had happened with the Shakuntala. He comforted her but he had to send her to Dushyantha's palace. When they entered the palace Dushyantha said that he had never seen the girl before. That was a rude shock to her. Shakuntala says that at that moment she felt like howling, screaming and burn everything to ashes. She was dumb struck. Yet, her feminine heart felt that the stream of love flowed beneath the fire. This is the proof that her love for Dushyantha was true. When she was told to show the ring that was given to her by Dushyantha, she did not feel like begging for love. A small thing like a ring cannot be an antidote for forgetfulness. She knew that Dushyantha was pretending. When she looked at his eyes there was a lot of difference between the Dushyantha who was with her in ashram and the king Dushyanta.
Now, Shakuntala has found the answer for the question; 'why does Dushyanta go for hunting now and then?' He wants to suppress the King in him and wants an ordinary man in him to live and enjoy life. May be that he wants to find love and affection from innocent girls like her.
Shakunthala continued with her story and told that she could not go back to her home. She went to Rishi Maricha's ashram. She tried to steal her tender heart. She went stronger by the day. She delivered a baby and named him Bharatha.
One day Dushyanta came to Maricha's ashram. Shakuntala understood that he had not come to make amends and apologies for his mistake but he came to take away Bharatha. He needed an heir to his throne. Shakuntala made up her mind not go with Dushyanta knowing well that she had to lose her son. But, she seemed to value her self- respect more than the life in the palace. She is all alone. She comforts herself saying that everyone is lonely in this world in one or the other way.
All through this story we find that Shakuntala had been in confusion many times. Now, she realises that she has been cheated. She had to face hardships one after another. She showed courage to face all situations. But, her love for Dushyanta is true and pure even when she comes to know that Dushyanta is an opportunist.
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